As a member of the CBS community
1. I will be accountable for my own learning and will ensure that my work reflects both my integrity and the best of my abilities.
2. I will treat others, regardless of position or background, with respect and dignity.
3. I will ensure that my actions and attitude contribute to maintaining a positive learning environment for all.
4. I will take proper care of my belongings and respect the property of others.
5. I will accept my responsibilities to the CBS community by following the school's rules and regulations.
Our school character skills are the guiding principles that inform student learning and behaviour and provide a model for our school community. They lead us to personal fulfillment and guide our behaviors and actions every day. Teachers, parents and staff work together to model and provide lessons and learning on the character skill of the month.
September - Respect
We respect ourselves and others. We respect belongings, the environment, and the world around us.
October – Responsibility
We take responsibility for our actions and our behavior to improve our success and contribute to the success of our school community.
November – Kindness
We take care of each other by showing kindness, caring and support towards everyone.
December – Global Citizenship
As global citizens we are aware of and understand the wider world and our place in it.
January – Problem Solving
As problem solvers we develop our thinking skills to find solutions to problems on our own or working with others.
February – Initiative
We are able to think creatively and share ideas to take action when needed.
March – Healthy Living
We strive to maintain a healthy lifestyle for our physical, emotional and social well-being.
April – Team Work
We work collaboratively as a team to achieve a common goal.
May - Caring
We demonstrate a genuine willingness to reach out and help, support, and protect others.
June - Reflection
We can reflect on our growth and areas of improvement and recognize and celebrate our successes.